The Hooijman Homepages
S. David
Baby Hooijman
Freinds and Family
Voting @ Team Hooijman
Favorite Links
Guestbook Page

Greetings, and Welcome to Team Hooijman's Homepages. :-)

I am glad that you have decided to come back and check in on us .... or even better if this if your first visit.

You can find individual updates for each member of Team Hooijman by clicking on their own page link (the names on the left). :-)

The only Family news we have to share is that we are expecting our final member to arrive in April 2002. :-)

Yes, for those of you already reading between the lines, that means that Gloria is pregnant.

This is the last recruitment that Team Hooijman will be participating in though! I can say that with (medical) certainty!!!

Thanks for stopping in with us though. Please take the time to sign our guestbook at the end of checking up on all the members of Team Hooijman! :-)

Team Hooijman coming straight at ya!  :-)